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& Engaged

Our handcrafted strategies result in the coveted long term relationships between brand and consumers that is the hallmark of the evolving digitally connected world.


We strive to create a loyal group of followers for your brand that become true advocates for your product, because for them, your brand is the real thing.

In the same way the sun steadily provides life to a growing garden, we steadily bring life to your community by connecting like-minded people and developing meaningful connections.


Campaigns run the gamut from in-person sampling/activation events, to digital brand activation. Some campaigns have a component of merchandising or promotions, while others focus on activating a consumer to be a long lasting customer of a brand. We operate as your collaborator —effortlessly blending our experience and ability, with your unique brand and campaign goals.


From social media to event experiences, we provide an inter-connected mix of marketing services to form an omnichannel integrated marketing strategy that reaches consumers on their social networks, in the field, across websites they visit, and in the stores where they shop. We call this LIVE, WORK, PLAY. Our executional strategies, knowledge, and experience is uniquely suited for our world today. If your brand doesn’t have a dedicated approach with touchpoints unique to reaching your multicultural consumers, you’re potentially missing out of about 40% of the population


We go beyond the traditional, and offer insights the ways that CMO’s and Marketing Managers can easily understand them—with parity to digital reports.


Real world events are not incongruous to digital approaches. Rather, we reach consumers the way they reach each other—and by incorporating the same services they always use.


Event Marketing.

Budget Conscious.

True Partnership.

We partner with brands who have existing products and provide analytics & reporting that help them understand the customer, the product, and the ROI, by using an exclusive combination of today’s modern & traditional marketing tools.

Together we’ll successfully come up with strategies that get your product into the hands of today’s Hispanic consumer. You’ll increase your sell-through, defend your market share, and we’ll find new customer segments—all while staying relevant with the messaging. 

There’s constant pressure to deliver more and more success—and we understand. We’ll get you the reporting to hit your KPI’s to help better understand a rapidly shifting market. Our experience allows you to reach your more consumers and both expand and defend your market share—using both real world and digital brand activation tools that go beyond sampling events and merchandising strategies.

New product

Multi Channel.

Customer Loyalty.

Executional Excellence

We expertly target your consumer, get them to try your product and build brand loyalty, using a combination of digital and real-world customer interaction and actionable reporting to ensure immediately effective product launches.

Understanding your overarching goals is a key component of how we approach solutions, and we’ll help you throughout every step of the process. You’ll be able to build out your true following, get positive word of mouth, and get your product into the hands of consumer —all while getting positive ROI and consumer insights. 

Our abilities combined with your product will set you up for increased market share & better brand positioning by combining product placement, social media strategies, actual interaction with your product, and gaining crucial customer feedback—both active and passive. Our approach translates to true market penetration with positive consumer mindshare.

Local product/Service-based businesses


Intangible to the Tangible.

Play With The Big Dogs.

We nurture & guide affordable marketing strategy and execution to allow you to capitalize on the success of larger brands by leveraging both our experience and broad-spectrum digital and real-world marketing channels.

Although we work with businesses both large and small, we understand small business in part, because we are one. We’re uniquely positioned to understand the challenges of not knowing what you don’t know. So we take the time to guide, nurture, and explain—to make certain that your business understands the value of our business.

For over 15 years, we’ve seen what works, what doesn’t work, and the evolution and intersection of marketing. Now, more than ever, consumers want to trust and engage with the products and services they use. Both digitally, and in the real world. 


NeoSol is a brand activation marketing agency with full service bilingual capabilities. We partner with brands for both new and existing product campaigns. We specialize in targeting the Hispanic and multicultural consumer and we’re experts in campaigns for products and services, both large and small


NeoSol Marketing
A woman-owned small business for over 15 years.